



学士    199207    天津大学    材料科学与工程 无机非金属
硕士    199503    天津大学    材料科学与工程 无机非金属
博士    199903    百盈彩票是什么    材料科学与工程 材料学


199905 - 200512    百盈彩票是什么核研院    助理研究员
200203 - 200303    香港城市大学物理及材料科学系    访问学者
200304 - 200711    百盈彩票是什么核研院    研究室副主任
200307 - 200406    德国达姆斯达特工业大学材料科学系    洪堡访问学者
200512 - 201212    百盈彩票是什么核研院    副研究员
201212 - 201606    百盈彩票是什么核研院    研究员
200906 - 201209    百盈彩票是什么核研院    保密管理办公室主任
200711 - 201305    百盈彩票是什么核研院    科技管理办公室副主任
201305 - 至今        百盈彩票是什么核研院    科技管理办公室主任
201606 - 至今        百盈彩票是什么核研院    教授


201910 - 202309    《硅酸盐通报》第五届编辑委员会    委员
201809 - 202209    中国电源学会特种电源专业委员会    委员
201512 - 至今    铀纯化分离湖南省重点实验室学术委员会    委员
201401 - 201412    中国工程物理研究院流体物理研究所    客座研究员
200710 - 至今    中国颗粒学会颗粒制备与处理专业委员会    委员




201901 - 202112    高温气冷堆一回路电气贯穿件技术研究    国家科技重大专项项目
201901 - 202312    高温气冷堆超高温运行堆芯设计关键技术研究    国家重点研发专项项目
201801 - 201912    纳米钛酸锶钡铁电微晶玻璃的电畴与相结构研究    国家自然科学基金-国际(地区)合作与交流项目
201701 - 202012    电介质陶瓷氧空位微观缺陷与绝缘电阻衰退关联性的研究    国家自然科学基金面上项目
201601 - 201812    微晶玻璃电介质界面极化形成与放电机制研究    国家自然科学基金委员会-中国工程物理研究院联合基金项目
201501 - 201912    高储能陶瓷电容器的制备科学及集成技术    国家科技部重点基础研究发展计划
201601 - 201810    高温气冷堆压力壳电气贯穿件研制    北京市科委重大成果转化项目
201201 - 201412    储能多层陶瓷电容器材料与关键技术联合研发    科技部国际科技合作项目
201001 - 201212    铁电微晶玻璃电介质的介电性能调控及其界面极化机理的研究    国家自然科学基金面上项目
200901 - 201312    服役中信息功能陶瓷及元器件场致功能变化    国家科技部重点基础研究发展计划
200707 - 201009    混合动力汽车逆变器用新型纳米复相储能电容器的研制    国家科技部十一五863计划新材料领域专题课题
200701 - 200912    铁电陶瓷疲劳不均匀性的宏微观分析与机理研究    国家自然科学基金面上项目


2017    北京市昌平区优秀科技工作者 


Shenhou Li, Kangjia Hu, Wenchang Hui, Yangyang Cai, Yong Zhang*. Shear strength and interfacial characterization of borosilicate glass-to-metal seals. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 827: 154275.

Zhangyuan Zhao, Xuewei Liang, Tianyuan Zhang, Kangjia Hu, Shenhou Li, Yong Zhang*. Effects of cerium doping on dielectric properties and defect mechanism of barium strontium titanate glass-ceramics. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2020, 40(3): 712-719.

Ziqin Shen, Yong Zhang*, Yongzhou Chen, Xiaozhen Song, Tianyuan Zhang. Effect of pre-oxidization condition on glass-to-metal sealing. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2019, 521: 119488.

Xiaozhen Song, Tianyuan Zhang, Zhangyuan Zhao, Kangjia Hu, Ivan Baturin, Vladimir Shur, Yong Zhang*. Relaxation processes in barium strontium titanate glass-ceramics by thermally stimulated depolarization current. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2019, 102(3): 901-906.

Yongzhou Chen, Yong Zhang*, Xiaozhen Song, Ziqin Shen, Tianyuan Zhang. Effect of SiO2/B2O3 ratio on the crystallization behavior and dielectric properties of barium strontium titanate glass-ceramics prepared by sol–gel process. Journal of Electronic Materials, 2018, 47: 4627-4633.

Xiaozhen Song, Yong Zhang*, Yongzhou Chen, Ziqin Shen, Tianyuan Zhang. Effect of sintering atmosphere on the microstructure and dielectric properties of barium strontium titanate glass-ceramics. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2018, 29: 56-62.

Ze Li, Xiaozhen Song, Yong Zhang*, Yongzhou Chen, Ziqin Shen, Ivan Baturin. Barium content study and properties characterization of lead zirconate stannate titanate antiferroelectric ceramics using thermally stimulated depolarization current technique. Journal of Applied Physics, 2017, 121: 204102.

Ziqin Shen, Liang Zhu, Yong Zhang*, Yongzhou Chen, Dongliang Yang, Xiaozhen Song. Effect of CuO addition on crystallization and thermal expansion properties of Li2O–ZnO–SiO2 glass-ceramics. Ceramics International, 2017, 43: 7099-7105.

Qian Zhang, Yong Zhang*, Xiaolin Liu, Xiaozhen Song, Jia Zhu, Ivan Baturin. Charge carrier relaxation study in glass-added barium titanate ceramics using thermally stimulated depolarization current. Journal of Electronic Materials, 2016, 45(8): 4044-4051.

Yongzhou Chen, Weihua Li, Yong Zhang*, Ziqin Shen, Dongliang Yang, Xiaozhen Song. Crystallization and thermal expansion behavior of lithium zinc silicate sealing glass. Ceramics International, 2016, 42(10): 11650-11653.

Jia Zhu, Yong Zhang*, Xiaozhen Song, Qian Zhang, Dongliang Yang, Yongzhou Chen. Influence of sintering temperature on microstructures and energy-storage properties of barium strontium titanate glass-ceramics prepared by sol–gel process. Physica Status Solidi A, 2015, 212(12): 2822-2829.

Jia Zhu, Yong Zhang*, Xiaozhen Song, Qian Zhang, Dongliang Yang, Yongzhou Chen. Dependence of crystallization behavior on particle size in barium strontium titanate glass-ceramics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2015, 98(8): 2340-2343.

Wenfen Wu, Yong Zhang*, Qian Zhang, Xiangrong Wang, Xiaozhen Song. Characterization of PLZST-PMW dielectric ceramics. Materials Research Bulletin, 2014, 60: 183-187.

Qingyu Pang,Yong Zhang*, Jia Zhu, Xiaozhen Song, Xiangrong Wang, Qian Zhang. Phase evolution and electrical properties of BaO–SrO–TiO2–SiO2–Al2O3-based glass ceramics prepared by sol–gel process. Journal Sol-Gel Science Technology, 2014, 72: 581-586.

Qian Zhang, Yong Zhang*, Xiangrong Wang, Tao Ma, Zongbao Yuan. Effect of SnO2 concentration on the dielectric properties of BaTiO3-(Sr1-1.5xBix)TiO3 ceramics. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2013, 138: 737-742.

Xiangrong Wang, Yong Zhang*, Tao Ma, Zongbao Yuan, Qian Zhang, Changsheng Deng, Tongxiang Liang. Influence of AlF3 concentration on microstructures and energy storage properties of barium strontium titanate glass ceramics. International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 2013, 10(2): 301-306.

Jing Wang, Yong Zhang, Tongxiang Liang, Changsheng Deng, Jingming Xu. Effect of oxygen partial pressure on the electrochemical impedance of La0.8Sr0.2MnO3-δ/Zr0.92Y0.08O2 porous composite anodes in solid oxide electrolysis cell. Journal of Power Sources, 2012, 208: 415-420.

Xiangrong Wang, Yong Zhang*, Xiaozhen Song, Zongbao Yuan, Tao Ma, Qian Zhang, Changsheng Deng, Tongxiang Liang. Glass additive in barium titanate ceramics and its influence on electrical breakdown strength in relation with energy storage properties. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2012, 32: 559-567.

Yong Zhang*, Tao Ma, Xiangrong Wang, Zongbao Yuan, Qian Zhang. Two dielectric relaxation mechanisms observed in lanthanum doped barium strontium titanate glass ceramics. Journal of Applied Physics, 2011, 109: 084115.

Yong Zhang*, Jiajia Huang, Tao Ma, Xiangrong Wang, Changsheng Deng, Xiaming Dai. Sintering temperature dependence of energy storage properties in (Ba,Sr)TiO3 glass-ceramics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2011, 94(6): 1805-1810.