



博士    201307    百盈彩票是什么    动力工程及工程热物理
学士    200807    百盈彩票是什么    能源动力系统及自动化


201307 - 201712    百盈彩票是什么核研院    助理教授
201712 – 现在       百盈彩票是什么核研院    副教授


202003 – 现在    中国动力工程学会青年工作委员会    委员
201801 – 现在    美国核学会    会员


1. 反应堆气溶胶。高温气冷堆石墨粉尘输运与沉积,轻水堆严重事故气溶胶行为。
2. 细颗粒动力学。复杂非球形颗粒碰撞,颗粒-湍流相互作用。
3. 多相反应流先进光学诊断。高温场颗粒形成和输运的新型在线光学诊断技术。


2019.10 –2021.12    安全壳内气溶胶行为模拟    中核集团领创科研基金
2019.01 –2020.12    高温气冷堆核级氦气隔离阀研制    国家科技重大专项
2018.01 –2021.12    高温气冷堆石墨粉尘在蒸汽发生器管束区的沉积及其与裂变产物输运的耦合研究    国家自然科学基金面上项目
2015.10 –2018.09    高温气冷堆蒸汽发生器传热管附近石墨粉尘输运和沉积机理研究    百盈彩票是什么自主科研课题
2015.01 –2017.12    相选择性激光诱导击穿光谱在线诊断火焰场纳米颗粒的实验和理论研究    国家自然科学基金青年项目


2013    百盈彩票是什么学术新秀       
2013    百盈彩票是什么优秀博士论文一等奖       
2013    百盈彩票是什么优秀毕业生       
2014    Springer Thesis Award          
2018   动力工程学会青年学术会议优秀论文        
2018    HTR2018优秀论文


Yihua Ren, Yiyang Zhang, Shuiqing Li.  Simultaneous Single-Shot Two-Dimensional Imaging of Nanoparticles and Radicals in Turbulent Reactive Flows  .PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED,   2020,   13:   044002.

Zhu Fang, Yiyang Zhang*, Mingzhe Wei, Shumiao Zhao, Libin Sun, Xinxin Wu.  The critical sticking velocity of non-spherical graphite particles: A numerical study and validation .NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN,   2020,   359:   110453.

Zhu Fang, Yiyang Zhang*, Mingzhe Wei, Shumiao Zhao, Xinxin Wu, Sun Libin.  A numerical study on adhesive collision between a micro-sized particle and a wall .POWDER TECHNOLOGY,   2020,   360:   769-779.

Zhu Fang, Hongtao Wang, Yiyang Zhang*, Mingzhe Wei, Xinxin Wu, Sun Libin.  A finite element method (FEM) study on adhesive particle-wall normal collision .JOURNAL OF AEROSOL SCIENCE,   2019,   134:   80-94.

Weikai Gao, Jiaqing Zhao, Xiaowei Li, Houjian Zhao, Yiyang Zhang, Xinxin Wu.  Heat transfer characteristics of carbon dioxide cross flow over tube bundles at supercritical pressures .APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,   2019,   158:   UNSP 113786.

Mingzhe Wei, Yiyang Zhang*, Zhu Fang, Xinxin Wu, Libin Sun.  Graphite aerosol release to the containment in a water ingress accident of high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) .NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN,   2019,   342:   170-175.

Yihua Ren, Yiyang Zhang, Shuiqing Li..  Single-shot two-dimensional measurement of nanoparticles in turbulent jet-diffusion flames using phase-selective laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy .PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE,   2019,   37:   1373-1381.

Mingzhe Wei, Yiyang Zhang*, Xinxin Wu, Libin Sun.  A parametric study of graphite dust deposition on high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) steam generator tube bundles .ANNALS OF NUCLEAR ENERGY,   2019,   123:   135-144.

Qian Huang, Yiyang Zhang, Qiang Yao, Shuiqing Li.  Mineral manipulation of Zhundong lignite towards fouling mitigation in a down-fired combustor .Fuel,   2018,   232:   519-529.

Runru Zhu, Yiyang Zhang*, Ye Yuan, Shuiqing Li.  Deposition Loss of Particles in the Sampling Lines of continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) in Coal-fired Power Plants .AEROSOL AND AIR QUALITY RESEARCH,   2018,   18:   1483-1492.

Mingzhe Wei, Yiyang Zhang*, Xiaowei Luo, Xiaowei Li, Xinxin Wu, Zhengming Zhang.  Graphite dust deposition on HTGR steam generator: Effects of particle-wall and particle-vortex interactions .NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN,   2018,   330:   217-224.

Qian Huang, Yiyang Zhang, Qiang Yao, Shuiqing Li.  Numerical and experimental study on the deposition of fine particulate matter during the combustion of pulverized lignite coal in a 25 kW combustor .POWDER TECHNOLOGY,   2017,   317:   449-457.

Yiyang Zhang*, Zihao Wang, Xinxin Wu, Libin Sun, Zhengming Zhang, Huiting Zhang, Shuiqing Li.  In situ laser diagnostics of nanoparticle transport across stagnation plane in a counterflow flame .JOURNAL OF AEROSOL SCIENCE,   2017,   105:   145-150.

Yihua Ren, Shuiqing Li, Wei Cui, Yiyang Zhang, Lin Ma.  Low-frequency AC electric field induced thermoacoustic oscillation of a premixed stagnation flame .COMBUSTION AND FLAME,   2016,   176:   479-488.

Gang Xiong, Shuiqing Li, Yiyang Zhang, Steven Buckley, Stephen Tse.  Phase-selective laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy of metal-oxide nanoparticle aerosols with secondary resonant excitation during flame synthesis .JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL ATOMIC SPECTROMETRY,   2016,   31:   482-491.

Qi Gao, Shuiqing Li, Ye Yuan, Yiyang Zhang, Qiang Yao..  Ultrafine particulate matter formation in the early stage of pulverized coal combustion of high-sodium lignite .FUEL,   2015,   158:   224-231.

Yihua Ren, Shuiqing Li, Yiyang Zhang, Stephen Tse, Marshall Long.  Absorption-Ablation-Excitation Mechanism of Laser-Cluster Interactions in a Nanoaerosol System .PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS,   2015,   114:   093401.

Yihua Ren, Yiyang Zhang, Shuiqing Li, Chung K. Law.  Doping mechanism of Vanadia/Titania nanoparticles in flame synthesis by a novel optical spectroscopy technique .PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE,   2015,   35:   2283-2289.

Yiyang Zhang, Shuiqing Li, Yihua Ren, Qiang Yao, Stephen Tse.  A new diagnostic for volume fraction measurement of metal-oxide nanoparticles in flames using phase-selective laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy .PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE,   2015,   35:   3681-3688.

Yiyang Zhang, Shuiqing Li, Yihua Ren, Qiang Yao, Chung K. Law.  Two-dimensional imaging of gas-to-particle transition in flames by laser-induced nanoplasmas .APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,   2014,   104:   023115.

Yiyang Zhang, Gang Xiong, Shuiqing Li, Zhizhong Dong, Steven Buckley, Stephen Tse.  Novel low-intensity phase-selective laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy of TiO2 nanoparticle aerosols during flame synthesis .COMBUSTION AND FLAME,   2013,   160:   725-733.

Yiyang Zhang, Shuiqing Li, Wen Yan, Qiang Yao.  Nanoparticle transport and deposition in boundary layer of stagnation-point premixed flames .POWDER TECHNOLOGY,   2012,   227:   24-34.

Yiyang Zhang, Shuiqing Li, Wen Yan, Stephen Tse.  Effect of size-dependent grain structures on the dynamics of nanoparticle coalescence .JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS,   2012,   112:   124321.

Yiyang Zhang, Shuiqing Li, Sili Deng, Qiang Yao, Stephen Tse.  Direct synthesis of nanostructured TiO2 films with controlled morphologies by stagnation swirl flames .JOURNAL OF AEROSOL SCIENCE,   2012,   44:   71-82.

Yiyang Zhang, Shuiqing Li, Wen Yan, Qiang Yao, Stephen Tse..  Role of dipole-dipole interaction on enhancing Brownian coagulation of charge-neutral nanoparticles in the free molecular regime .JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS,   2011,   134:   084501.

Wen Yan, Shuiqing Li, Yiyang Zhang, Qiang Yao, Stephen Tse..  Effects of Dipole Moment and Temperature on the Interaction Dynamics of Titania Nanoparticles during Agglomeration .JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,   2010,   114:   10755-10760.